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Ground Up’s first objective is to provide independent financial support to projects that are initiated and run by Aboriginal people and that aim to support Aboriginal peoples’ mental health, and social and emotional well being.


We use the term wellbeing in its broad sense: social, emotional, physical and economic. We are interested in the community’s notions of wellbeing. What activities and programs do community members think will support people to feel good (good liyan) and promote a happy and healthy community?

Our strength as a small independently funded organisation, is that we can deliver our services flexibly – bringing people, time, energy and money – to deliver projects in partnership with the community and in response to community-identified needs.

We are committed to working from the ground up – so we work to ensure our projects have a high level of community initiative and engagement, and are meaningful to the community. We also believe the best outcomes happen where there is a strong sense of community motivation and ownership.

What does this mean in practice? Our programs are designed in partnership with individuals and community based organisations, working at the community’s pace.

Ground Up is working in consultation with the Gija community to develop an advisory committee to ensure our activities and processes are guided by Indigenous world views, priorities and approaches.

Our simple evaluation processes are designed to stimulate community reflection about what works, what doesn’t and why. We hope this also facilitates community and individual ownership of outcomes, and pride in those outcomes.