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Ground Up’s first objective is to provide independent financial support to projects that are initiated and run by Aboriginal people and that aim to support Aboriginal peoples’ mental health, and social and emotional well being.

Who are we?

 We started as a group of individuals who are friends of Gija people and Warmun Community through a range of different connections. Inspired by the enormous commitment of Gija people to strengthening their community and improving and enriching the lives of their young people, our Board and members include people from a broad range of backgrounds with a strong interest in Indigenous community development. The group also hopes to honour and carry on the generous contribution Ned Sevil made to his Gija friends and to grassroots healing and culture projects before his death in 2010.

We are also fortunate to have been supported by many volunteers who have committed their time and energy to raising funds for Ground Up’s work and supporting our development as an organisation.

We do not yet have full time staff but engage contractors with relevant skills, experience and relationships to facilitate projects on the ground. This includes Gija people in key roles as project bosses and/or teachers, and supports the training and development of young Gija people where possible.